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[Popular Science Education] NSC and Da Ai TV Produce HD Documentary about Taiwan's Geological Development

Posted by gustav 
[Popular Science Education] NSC and Da Ai TV Produce HD Documentary about Taiwan's Geological Development (Chinese Version)

Da Ai TV, CNA News, China Times E-paper & Yahoo News (2010/02/25) After the local climate change documentary 《±2℃》, Da Ai TV and National Science Council (NSC) together present a series documentary 《The Secret of the Island Taiwan》 (trans. temp.), which will begin to be broadcast on February 27 on Da Ai TV.

The series programs of 《The Secret of the Island Taiwan》 are the result of a two-year cooperation of more than twenty outstanding experts in Taiwan geology and ocean studies. These scientists take detailed and comprehensive HD image records all over the main island, the remote isles, and the sea areas around. With the HD technology, high-altitude photography, dive photography and the virtual-reality animation technology, themes including “the genesis and development of Taiwan mountain systems,” “Taiwan rocks,” “Taiwan volcanoes,” “Ali Mountain System,” and “Taiwan submarine terrain” are vividly presented to the public. If the public understand more about the genesis and development of the island, they could obtain better comprehension of the environment and the causes and factors of the natural disasters.

The series programs will be broadcast on Da Ai TV's “Discover” on Saturdays form February 27 to March 27. Professor Wen-shan CHEN and Professor Sheng-Rong SONG, Department of Geosciences, NTU, Professor Tswen-Yung TANG, Institute of Oceanography, NTU, Professor Lee-Shing FANG, Cheng Shiu University, and NSC Research Fellow Yun-wen KUO will give introductions to the five themes.

Da Ai TV's "Discover": http://www.discover.org.tw/

Further Information:
Da Ai TV 2010/02/25 (Chinese)
CNA News 2010/02/25 (Chinese)
China Times E-paper 2010/02/25 (Chinese)
Yahoo News 2010/02/25 (Chinese)

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 02/26/2010 03:03PM by gustav.